Business Continuity Planning
Survive and thrive through disruption
If the global COVID-19 pandemic taught us anything, it's that absolutely every organization is at risk for disruptions to their operations. In fact, nearly one in five businesses suffer disruption every year. There are numerous causes, including natural disasters, accidents, sabotage, power outages, environmental disasters and cyber-attacks. Some disruptions can last only a few hours, while others may take months or years for the organization to bounce back.
Research suggests 80% of businesses without a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) that experience a major incident either never re-open or close within 18 months. However, with some planning and practice, this risk can be greatly reduced.
The first step in preparing for major disruptions is understanding the threats facing your organization and the basics of a Business Continuity Plan.
- 10 Essentials for Business Continuity Planning
- IBHS Threat Identification and Scoring Tool
- Four Steps for BCP
Once you understand the basics, it's time to start taking concrete actions to prepare. These resources will help move your plan from a vision to a reality.
- Business Continuity Assessment
- Business Impact Analysis Tool
- FEMA Continuity Guidance Circular
- IBHS Open for Business Toolkit