Expert Online Training
Leadership by example
Expert Online Training (EOT) provides engaging instructional videos designed to help prepare your frontline summer camp staff.
Church Mutual has partnered with EOT, the e-learning leader within the youth development space. As a result, your camp will benefit from discounted access to a comprehensive library of engaging videos, quizzes and handouts demonstrating best practice.
EOT's professional videos feature some of the most respected educators in youth development and cover a variety of topics, including:
- Child welfare and protection.
- Leadership.
- Youth development and play.
- Mental health and behavior.
- Physical and emotional safety.
- Supervision.
- And more!
EOT's easy-to-use app means staff can learn on their own schedule and camp management can easily track and monitor participation and comprehension. EOT videos can also be a great way to supplement learning and bring expert voices into the fold for camps with established in-person training programs.
Get a glimpse into EOT's lessons
The following video represents one of more than 120 summer camp-focused videos on EOT's platform.
Avoiding Sexual Harassment in a Camping Environment: Tips and Strategies
with Isaac Mamaysky (12:21)
Isaac Mamaysky is Partner in Potomac Law Group, where he started a practice team focused on the camp industry. He also operates a large ACA-accredited overnight camp in Wayne County, PA and is an officer of QuantStreet Capital, a portfolio management firm that offers financial advising services to camps and camp professionals. By working at the intersection of camp, law, and finance, Isaac brings a unique perspective to helping camps with their legal needs. To read Isaac's content, visit the Camp Law and Finance Blog.