Armed intruder attacks can happen anywhere at any time, typically with little or no warning. As such, we’ve developed the PULL FOR POLICE Armed Intruder Emergency Service to add proactive support to your existing emergency response program.
Exclusively available to Church Mutual customers at NO COST, this new risk control solution includes a responsive device that notifies local law enforcement of an armed intruder situation within seconds of being pulled.
Program eligibility requires an up-to-date and active CM Sensor® kit. If your organization is not already enrolled in the CM Sensor program, a water and temperature sensor kit will be sent with your PULL FOR POLICE Armed Intruder Emergency Service device.
Click here to learn more about the CM Sensor 24/7 Temperature and Water Alert System.
Key Features
24/7 Local Law Enforcement Notification
Activation of the device - connected wirelessly to an active CM Sensor kit - provides a 24/7 ability to notify local law enforcement of an armed intruder situation at your property within seconds.
Integrated Test Mode
Verifies the device is activated and working properly.
Easy Installation
The device can be attached to a variety of surfaces inside your building, such as pulpits, walls, podiums, underneath a table, etc. Tools, drilling or professional installation ARE NOT REQUIRED.
Church Mutual’s PULL FOR POLICE Armed Intruder Emergency Service
provides greater peace of mind for your organization, adding proactive
support to your existing emergency response program.
Customers that sign up, but are not currently eligible for Church Mutual’s PULL FOR POLICE Armed Intruder Emergency Service will be placed on a wait list.
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