Church Mutual Insurance Company

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Safely You

Revolutionary fall prevention technology

Safely You

SafelyYou Reduces Risk
of Falls by 40%

Church Mutual is launching a preferred vendor program with SafelyYou to introduce revolutionary fall prevention technology to our memory care customers. The program is part of our ongoing commitment to deliver solutions and services that improve resident and employee safety. SafelyYou's technology will ultimately decrease fall risks, emergency room visits and the long-term cost of insurance premiums.

In addition, Senior Living Professional Liability customers2 will receive a 10% discount3 in the recurring operational costs for SafelyYou's technology, including SafelyYou Aware™.


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Providing the best care

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Mention Church Mutual referred you to learn if your organization is eligible for SafelyYou service discount programs.


Introducing SafelyYou

Safely You

SafelyYou is an independent company, unaffiliated with Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. Any contracts between you and SafelyYou are solely between you and SafelyYou and are not contracts for services with Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I.

1SafelyYou conducted numerous studies comparing fall rates and fall with injury rates pre and post installation. Numbers cited herein compare pre-installation fall rates to the fall rates 14 weeks after activation of the monitoring technology. For more detailed information, please reach out to SafelyYou team members.

2There are certain eligibility guidelines for the program. For starters, you must be an existing Church Mutual Senior Living Professional Liability Insurance customer in good standing. If interested, contact your authorized Church Mutual agent or broker to determine whether you qualify.

3The 10% discount will apply to new contracts for monitoring and consulting services for the term of the contract you sign with SafelyYou. This discount is being provided by SafelyYou. You must be a Church Mutual Senior Living Professional Liability Insurance customer at the time the contract is signed to qualify for this discount from SafelyYou.

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Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. (a stock insurer)
P.O. Box 357 | 3000 Schuster Lane | Merrill, WI 54452-0357
Telephone (800) 554-2642 or (715) 536-5577

© 2024 Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. All rights reserved. Protecting the Greater Good is a registered trademark of Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I.

Church Mutual is a stock insurer whose policyholders are members of the parent mutual holding company formed on 1/1/20. S.I. = a stock insurer.